SAP Reports
The methodology used for calculating the energy efficiency of dwellings in the UK is called a SAP assessment. Standardised and approved software can only be used for this, and the outcome will give an indication of a dwellings CO2 emissions as well as the costs of running that property’s heating, hot water and lighting. In a new build, the information required can be extensive, but the results are much more specific and detailed. This information is usually taken from architects drawings and construction notes. By using our information guide, you will have a good idea of the type of information we need to carry out an assessment. The more detailed and accurate the information is that we receive, the quicker we can produce your reports.

For an existing dwelling, these may not be available so a site visit is required, and the data entered relies on some assumptions. This methodology is referred to as RDSAP.
Once all the information is entered into the software, various reports can be produced, depending on your requirement.